Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Some of you may not agree with what I'm going to say, and some of you may be pissed. But I think I have to say what I think.
I think the whole deal with Nination is enough. We had the whole period where we were all angry, and did things that might be considered....."jerk moves". In the beginning, we wanted to send MangaHut down in flames, that is true.
But as time went by, it seems kind of silly to keep the hatred. We are setting up a site of our own, and afterall, we did meet each other in MangaHut. Sure we can't agree with Nination, but I'm starting to feel bad for that kid, what with the whole forum trashing and hate against him.
You guys may continue to keep your views about Nination, it's a free country. But let us try to just concentrate on the up-coming site yea?

It's not going to be a competition against Mangahut, it's just going to be a community of friends who can enjoy each other's company in a place.
I sent a quick email to Nination. I said what I had to.
Sooooo. Yea. o______o. That's all.



  1. Honestly, that makes me feel better knowing that this is not being created out of spite. I am willing to support a website that is for the fans created by the fans.

    Thank you for all that you guys are doing,

  2. finally. ive had enough of the drama from the first place, so awesome to have VLING as admin/payer.... =]

  3. Hey not fair, I said that days ago! You damn copycat :P
    Can't say I pity Nination but it makes me sad looking at the updates column of MH :(
    And I'm ready to upload... if someone give me some guidelines about it >.>

  4. I don't feel so bad now that there are other people who agree with me :D
    Well, when you get the site running I'll donate to the cause of love.

  5. @Sinraeyan: I'm glad we see eye-to-eye,I didn't want to feel like an e-thug and no problem :)
    @Ninja: Lol, you guys are so going to burn in hell with me as Admin *-*
    @Alexandre: Lol, when the site's up, we will announce it, thanks for the offer ;D
    @Martha: Thanks wingy, we'll look forward to it :D

    0.o um, i'm gonna go now.......
    be looking for me to join!

  7. *hopes the site will be awesome*
    its no rly a hope cuz i think you guys seem awesomely nice

  8. The spamming did get a bit out of hand, and got to and extent that started making people side with Nination more than us. Glad it's slowed down, and good luck with the new site!! I'm sure all of us will be willing to help make it the best ever.

  9. Um, Vling...please, speak for yourself..

    You were only a "PREMIUM MEMBER" who donated like $3 monthly for about 5 to 4 months of payments, which equals about $15-$20 of small "insignificant" .. support. He even banned you after all you contributed.

    Another thing is this, you were not an uploader, moderator, or any kind of "TIME CONTRIBUTING" supporter (other than reading the manga - that we staffs wasted our time doing)

    People like Me, Shin, Euphoria, Latoshan, ChiGoku, Ausckes, TheQwertiest, Lilcutiepie, etc. (and the list goes on quite allot) have dedicated ALLOT OF our time with his site. He never showed any signs of discomfort or mental dilema.

    He banned us ALL for "self" reasons. No "professional" or "acceptable" understandings of why we were banned. Nothing made sense. He "stabbed us" in public. He was like an assassin who didn't care if there were any alive witnesses to tell the tale. An assassin must not allow themselves to be seen by the "public" as they kill their targets. (it's like a major rule)

    The guy thought we would just stand down on the floor and not rise up to fight back. And we did. WE Humiliated him. WE Pretty much stained his reputation. We beat the living crap out of him and WE won't stop.

    Answer this: Does he feel the same for you?

    Vling, this is the internet! It's Not a "real life" sympathy drama. He killed his own people (but it seems that your suck-up inner-ki is awakening)

    AT This MOMENT and TIME, were things are finally looking promising towards our favor. (Were he will most likely come begging back to us like an idiot) you want to ruin what we've accomplished by being a SAINT? You want to die for his sins? YOu want to be "the new" Jesus Christ? Well, go on ahead and do what you must.

    Seriously, he was our BOSS! OUR Admin! We HAD SERIOUS PRIDE of him being our commander in chief. He was supposedly supposed to be the "adult" compared to any of our positions. And now you want to be "THE adult" and make simple amends with him?

    Nination will just see your message as a "beneficial relief" for his self reputation and less pressure on what he's all about.

    If we let it be and forgive the bastard, how will you know that he will cause the same disaster to the future staffs who will be dedicated?

    The guy never apologized to us. His 'thank-yous' and 'farewells' were totally unsympathetic. And even if he does apologize "APPROPRIATELY" to us in the future, it wouldn't be like he really meant it (probably be copied & pasted from a "How to apoligies to your staffs" article. It will just be for the sake of mangahut and then later on, he would ban us little by little again and gain new recruits gradually. Using us, like a fucking prick.

    I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be like ChiGoku, TheQwertiest, Lilcutiepie, Shin, & Static who will never forgive someone as dimwitted as him. Ninja, I'm very surprised at you.

  10. Vling, just wow. Couldn't you have discussed with us 'blog viewers' first of our opinion before confessing whatever you said to him?

    PS: After he banned everyone, I met him on MSN, and told him to try to get things back together again. His reply: ALL OF YOU MUST BEG FOR YOUR JOBS BACK, BITCH.

    After reading that...I *gasped*
    I then logged off immediately, and decided onward to get put him in his place. The guy mis-used us; he did this to me financially, emotionally, sexually, and threw away my respect for him.

    Screw him. I will NEVER forgive that guy. I will NEVER feel sorry for him. And I will NOT give him a chance to prevail on MangaHut. As long as he remains the admin or the boss, I will NOT give a rats ass about mangahut's good future as well. Why should we? It isn't OUR MANGA HOME anymore. We're moving out to better apartments...

    And Sinraeyan...don't get me started on you.
    You're just "a random peron" who was around to witness this. Nothing more. Stop caring or feeling sorry for Nination. Stop caring about MangaHut. Move on with your manga life. What's the need of caring about the site when the people who provided the content were humiliated and banned? And aren't being respected by him?

    You still feel like we are preforming some "jerk moves"? cause in my opinion, this is just the beginning of his torture.

    You start an act of rightouesness and stop right in the middle of it all because you feel sorry for your enemy. It's quite understandable. But understand that this particular enemy, named Nination, wants you dead.

    Hey, the truth hurts...

  11. " Vling, this is the internet! It's Not a "real life" sympathy drama. He killed his own people (but it seems that your suck-up inner-ki is awakening)"

    Before you start about my "inner-suckup-ness ki" Azula, maybe you should re-read my entry.
    Or maybe it did not go through into that head of yours.
    I stated that it was a personal opinion, I'm not asking the World to feel the same.
    Sure it is the Internet, but I am not some e-thug who will continue ranting about what he did and try to plan WW3,most stupidly of all, through the Internet. I was pissed, and I still am about what happened, but the Internet is not my life where I will rage wars and bad-mouth about people. I did enough and I have a life.I'm going to be a better person than him, even if it's not by a longshot, I don't want to sink down to his level.

    Don't even go on saying I'm sucking up to him. What am I doing it for? Am I begging for a mod position in his staff? No.If I wanted to, I would simply flash my boobs at him on webcam.
    I have my pride too, but I'm a human. Not some sadist who loves tormenting people behind a screen even though they were douchebags.To me, that's worse than what he is.

    I understand that what he did to me wasn't as bad as what he did to the staff, and for that I can't forgive. But did I ask you,or any other members of the staff to apologize?Or to feel the same?

    "The guy thought we would just stand down on the floor and not rise up to fight back. And we did. WE Humiliated him. WE Pretty much stained his reputation. We beat the living crap out of him and WE won't stop".

    I am glad you're rather...passionate about this and find great pleasure in that, don't call me a Saint since I'm not, but to be honest, I think I would feel disgusted if I were to be proud of the fact that we did that to him.
    He's an ass. Alright. But aren't we sinking down to his level by doing the same, but now with the trash talks and flamings?

    Answer this: Does he feel the same for you?"

    I do not need him to feel sorry for me.
    I have my pride and I don't need anyone's pity.
    His manner and action from the past was what revoked a sense of pity for him, for not having the proper upbringing in handling matters and behaving the childish way he did.

    Honestly Azula, I'm pretty disappointed with you.
    I would've expected you to handle this in a more mature manner.As I've mentioned before, I'm not a saint nor am I God, but I certainly won't act like I can decide anyone's fate, most of all through the internet.


  12. "You're just "a random peron" who was around to witness this. Nothing more. Stop caring or feeling sorry for Nination. Stop caring about MangaHut."

    I will admit that I was just a random by-stander who just happened to be a witness. I was not deeply involved in the inner workings. However, I was a person who had used the site on a regular basis for years. Therefore I had a right to involvement as soon as I could not log in and took the time to investigate why. I had no other right to be angry at Nination other than the blatant disrespect and banning of his mods and uploaders.

    I, personally, find the spamming and comments towards Nination to be a bit much. I am not saying that one should forgive and forget everything he has done. I cannot even pretend to understand how badly the mods and uploaders felt. I just feel that it is being handled in a poor manner and that it is just fuel for an already raging fire. The site is already dying and beyond repair. I have stated my opinions on the mangahut forums as a form of catharsis. I had a minimal hope that the site might be able to move on. Seeing the decline and fall of what I considered a great manga site gave me reason enough to care about it.

    “Move on with your manga life.” I have never had just one manga site to begin with. I went to mangahut due to the ease of access and the friendly environment. Mangahut was the first place I considered going to for manga but not the only one. As this new site will more than likely not be the only one. However, it will be one that I will place trust and care enough into to be active with.

    I am personally glad that this new site is being created for the fans by fans. I am happy that it is not being done with ill intentions, such as getting back at Nination. If it was being done out of spite I would not be able to follow it and support it. As it is I know that I can place faith in the site to be excellent and worth my time and effort.

    I was nothing more than a bystander but I was still affected by Nination’s actions. His actions were horrible, however, the new site is growing out of his actions and is already proving to be a strong community.

    Thank you for your time and patience,

    PS: Long post is long. Sorry about that.

  13. It seems i was also a bystander like Sinraeyan, and i too see where he is coming from. Even though we weren't directly involved like the staff were, as we were a part of the MH community we definitely were involved.

    @Azula, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, please don't ridicule someone because they are willing to forgive. There is nothing wrong with being a saint, getting over anger quickly. Maybe working with the making the new site helped cool VLING and Ninja down, that's why they are stating their opinions. You need to reflect, think about what other people are saying, and then act. You have right to be angry, express your opinions on his idiocy and everything, but you shouldn't ridicule others for not agreeing. I am sure that noone who has gone through something like you all have will ever think the same of Nination/KaitenV, but that doesn't mean we should just torment and destroy him. We have done enough. MH is dead. I was trying to help in the destruction, trying to join the mods to help with the spamming, but then i realised, i should stop. After being witness to some of the disgusting pictures from AiStream, i thought it was too much. With that much being done to him, he might give up, and i didn't want to feel responsible for a death. I know a person who has died because of things that have happenned on the internet.

    @VLING, the only real thing i can see in your comment that is false, is that "it's just the internet". The internet is becoming more and more influencial in our lives. As i said above, people have murdered and suicided because of what some people have done to them on the internet, so the behaviour on the internet is still important.

    I hope i don't bring further conflict with this comment

  14. Lol @ koray. <3

    “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”

    Bravoo, Vling, Bravo~!

    Some people already said what I was gonna say, I'll make it short. xP

    @ Azula
    Who is we? You and Static? What exactly did you do to humiliate nination/kaiten anyway? o_O Making multiple accounts and bash him?

    I would understand, though, you'd rather not let it go and keep humiliating him, since you and he did the naughty thing. He betrayed you more. If that was a lie, then I guess you're that kind of person who holds grudges. *shrugs*

    Finally, there is someone else than me that thinks internet is NOT JUST internet. Suicide due to cyber bullying. Pedophiles luring young kids. We have emotions and we react. Lol, like what we're doing right now.

    If anyone is curious, I left an apology message for him as well.

    - Sara

  15. Epic replies Guys. I pretty agree with some of your statements..and I really want to comment back but too busy studying for a lab exam at the moment. I guess I was childish when replying but I just had to act out of character this time. Not all I said I really meant anyways..just for the moment's sake.

    But I'll ask a question to Euphoria & Vling:
    Did he reply to your messages:
    What did he say? How did it feel?

    BTW, did you guys notice a change on mangahut recently? The topics and everything on the forums are deleted. wonder if nination is remaking everything? or closing everything...

  16. Seems like you've cooled down a bit Azula XD And someone definitely has been deleting stuff, because my application to become a mod which i made an age ago was deleted ==" Good thing i gave up on it XD

  17. finally i have the time to comment :D
    WARNING:this post is going to be LOOOOOONG

    so that noone say to meet who are u or u are just a bystander.....well kinda was but i saw everything since i was just lurking didnt care about MH that much except for the cool slow/fast reading thingy.


    ur responce is too mature not a problem but if that was what u really feel

    @VLing & Euphoria
    parents who doesn't aid or control their kids are the real idiots although it's kinda hard but kids should have a proper education about the use of internet and how that it's a wonderful tool not used for "idiocy"<---hope u get what i mean.

    i am sry for what happened to u -be it true or false- but the blame is one u since it was u who didn't know nination and got caught up in the moment or whatever .

    that's just my opinion sry if i hurt any1

  18. lol after Supersath's comment i sound like flaming.....but well i had to write it eventually.....

  19. Guys, I think mangahut is dead.
    Maybe the server admin finally took action.
    Well, whomever "aco" is..I'm glad that he's finally taking action.

  20. I just tried to get on mangahut, and it is not coming up for me, so Static I think you may be right.

  21. Mangahut is dead, long live Mangahut!

  22. R.I.P. MH . . . i guess

  23. Well looks like you don't have to worry anymore anyway. Mangahut's been hacked by someone named KaitenW who shut down Manga hut. With all said and done looks like Manga Hut is officially dead. All the comics are gone, The message board is screwed up, and Kaiten has apparently been hacked directly and lost his computer.

    Not surprised.

  24. well that's kinda harsh....
    +i dont think that it's hacked as much as guessed his password or sent him an e-mail containing a trojan or a virus

  25. Mangahut comes up for me. Nination has dropped that name and went back to KaitenV and he has cleaned the forums and changed the look of the main page a little bit. He has also threatened banning anyone that mentions the mutiny or is rude.

    MH has not changed that much other than that.

  26. mangahut stays dead for me
    i dont think kaiten can bring it back to the old glamour he killed that possibilty with the first thing he wrote on the website

  27. Qoute from Sinraeyan: "(...)he has cleaned the forums and changed the look of the main page a little bit. He has also threatened banning anyone that mentions the mutiny or is rude."

    Pretty much sounds like a dictatorship to me. xD

    Seems like everything has started to really cool down, which I think is very good. Granted, I've always thought that Azula and the other staff members she mentioned had more reasons to stay offended, more than VLING, which is why I can understand her/them. But of course, VLING doesn't feel THAT offended and has a goal (mainly together with Ninja).
    I think (and I suppose we ALL think that way now) we should just concentrate on supporting this goal and leave what's behind us behind.

    Peace to all (except Nination [sorry, little inner rage feeling, couldn't suppress])

    P.S.: Haven't found time to get online earlier, so I apologize for the late post. ;)

    P.P.S: Okay, just visited Mangahut for the first time this week... well, I really must laugh hard, sorry if anyone feels offended by that. I mean: "MangaHut - We has lots of online manga!" sounds pretty much like the childish nina... And check the top series/chapters today: like more than 50% of it are hentai mangas xD seems like MH is after all mainly used for virus-free online hentai reading more than anything else...

  28. ummm, Azula i dun what to look awkward but what do u mean by he abused u sexually? Are u saying ****?

  29. You should have followed the MH threads more closely/frequently. As far as I can recall it was kind of like this: Azula and Kaiten also write (let's make that "wrote") in another chat programm (think it was msn), there, kaiten asked for pictures of Azula, bare skinned, if you understand. And he would always ask for more... well yeah, now they are kicked out, nice "thanks" for the erotic pics, if you ask me... *sarcasm*

    That's kind of what Azula posted about that topic, of course, we are all wondering how much of the details are true (StaticXD f.e. said she didn't really send pictures of herself, but instead pictures from the net, but it doesn't matter, it just proves that kaiten asked for it if you ask me and that's enough to be disgusted about him)

    Azula, if I said something wrong because I didn't recall it correctly, feel free to correct me. ;)

    Hope I could help you out on that one, richard.
    Peace. ;)

  30. Thanks was wondering what happened
